Nina Boxberger

4 karmaJoined Jun 2023


To add some info for MSLs in Germany: It is fairly easy to get in with a bioscience degree as there is a high demand for this role. From what I‘ve seen the expected salary for „beginners“ is about 75k €/year. With five years experience this quickly rises above 100k €/year. Switching between MSL and other Medical Affairs or Marketing seems to be fairly easy when I consider the careers of dozens people I am acquainted with.

In regards to automation in pharmacy (or rather pharmaceutical industry), I agree that preclinical drug discovery is already being highly automated. There is a lot of human capital required though in other subareas that I think will continue to be required. From pharmacists (while more is sold online, selling drugs is highly regulated and requires a specialist for consultation), people who conduct clinical trials, in regulatory affairs, medical affairs and marketing etc.