
19 karmaJoined


It is good to have this info public, it would be cool if there was a 3rd row with some impact measurement as well then a fourth with cost/impact!

Sad to hear this likely implies Animal Welfare funding will get cut, unlikely we can align AI to treat lesser intelligent beings with grace and care if we can't align ourselves ) :

I'm sceptical of programs like this for the following reasons:

Giving $50k is an anti-filter for hardcore-ness and willingness to make it work in EA/Impact (I agree with the comment that a smaller amount would likely do the same job)

EA already has a somewhat high bounce rate, I suspect at younger ages it's even higher, I understand the logic of needing only one hit or homerun to make back all the EV but actually is a $50k grant making a difference on this front anyway, it seems likely there are better ways to incentives people, Charity Entrepreneurship seems to of succeed in finding talent and starting charities despite minimal funding and financial incentives, maybe something like a worldwide talent search focused on underutilised regions and geographies make more sense (The India aspect seems good)

The coffee table thing seems indicative of poor decision-making and optics, never has my thought process been in any way impacted or influenced by a piece of furniture (Perhaps you can argue for the overall environment design mattering, but generally I think if this is an issue then there are broader issues to think about and tackle in EA) there's definitely something purer about a minimalistic and "Cheaper" environment. (Also I'm sure a $200 coffee table can also look 99% as good)

I agree with this post relatively strongly. As someone relatively new to the EA scene, I found the jargon and language quite off-putting and would result in annoyance/feeling like an idiot plus some Googling later on. I'm unsure why we can't just say "What would have happened otherwise" rather than "Counterfactual". I personally try and play down this language as much as possible, especially around people newer to EA because I know the effect it had on me.

I think this post plays into a stronger point that certain aspects of the EA community actually are unwelcoming. Or rather it feels a bit like a secret club with a high bar to entry at times and there is almost certainly an intellectual elitism feel to EA occasionally (see in-group + tribalism). I think that descending further and further into niche phrases, elitism and not keeping the message as open to as many people as is not the right way to go.

 I'm strongly in favour of making EA as widespread and as broad as possible. Sure it might dilute job applications or have a few other unthought of negative side effects. But imagine having thousands of more people earning to give for example or contributing their ideas and insight into EA. I wonder how many people have turned away from EA because of Elitism, Jargon or feeling unwelcome? that doesn't feel very EA to me!

Footnote: I realise this comment might come off as a bit bitter. Contrary to that, I really love the EA community and think it has enhanced my life so much in so many ways, this is just one aspect that I think could be improved somewhat - The onboarding of new and potential EAs!