
30 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)New Orleans, LA, USA


  • Completed the Introductory EA Virtual Program


Starting a NYE donation push. An EA has already committed $40k. Aiming for $111k, tho the ultimate goal is to get a group together to match and discuss opportunities that can lead to a new year of giving. (I'm recruiting many folks who don't give substantially before. I hope to have more EAs who can fuel conversation toward effectively combating preventable suffering.) Also, experimenting with Twitter promotion in this age of Elon.. https://twitter.com/bbertucc/status/1597980309256957952 .. Feel free to email or DM me if I'm too slow on the form reply .. blake[at]philosophers[dot]group ..

I raise the question because this thread is an AMA with Will on his current book. Will’s writing impacts my philanthropy, and so I am curious the type of impact he expected on philanthropic work before I dive in. Editing the question to speak more to that point.

As far as 'x has priority over y’ is concerned, I agree that that type of calculation can be applied to any cause. My EA-inspired philanthropy is largely allocated to organizations that can save more lives in a quicker time than others. (Grants to folks who can’t afford drugs for Multiple myeloma is a current favorite of mine.)

Re: “Killing”. Point taken.

Hey Will, 

Before I dive into your new book, I have one question:

What impact do you hope WWOTF will have on philanthropic work?

Since hearing about your book in May, my reading and giving have shifted toward long-term matters (I went from tossing cash like the world’s on fire to vetting business managers on their approaches to Patient Philanthropy).

The “holy shit, x-risk” is that approx 25 people die if I read WWOTF and reallocate the $111,100 I earmarked for AMF via my  EA-inspired giving fund. 

I know you are pushing LEEP.   That seems to align with near-termist methodology. But if the shift in my focus is an example of how your work impacts giving, what is the best case impact WWOTF has on philanthropy?


PS- Edited. See comments. Thanks Pablo!

Seems like lots of work for a $2000 donation. Why focus on the worker when you could focus on their employer? Why not convince an employer to distribute unused funds? There is good data that companies with pro-social causes have increased productivity. See work by Stephen Meier.  

Wouldn’t convincing one  company to donate unused funds be more impactful and less work than convincing lots of individuals?

ORT was not invented by one guy. There was a pretty large team that contributed to the effort, my grandfather-in-law included. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_rehydration_therapy#History