Alex Catalán Flores

Director of Operations @ Charity Entrepreneurship
268 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)London, UK


Lawyer | Management Consultant.

I write on Medium from time to time:

Hit me up if you wanna talk smack or play some AoE4.


Charity Entrepreneurship (CE) is looking for a Director of Outreach to manage and run a team that creates and maintains talent pipelines online and in person.

Salary: Between £34,000 and £47,000 gross per annum

Location: London, UK (preferred) or remote (employed locally via Employer of Record)

Deadline: Accepting rolling applications until a suitable candidate is found

Suggested skills and/or requirements: See job ad on our website for detailed description. 

About CE: Charity Entrepreneurship is on a mission to cause more effective charities to exist in the world. We launch high-impact nonprofits by connecting entrepreneurs with effective ideas, training, and funding.

More about this position: We're also running a referral program to fill this position. If you refer a candidate to us and they successfully make it through probation, we'll donate £1K to a charity of your choice!

Apply here to become CE's Director of Outreach!

Hi Jeff, here is CE's Conflicts of Interest policy. We're still waiting for a couple of pieces of advice to come through so the text will likely change and we'll post an updated version. In saying that, there likely won't be wholesale changes. 

Hi there. As promised, here is CE's Conflicts of Interest policy. We're still waiting for a couple of pieces of advice to come through so the text will likely change and we'll post an updated version. In saying that, there likely won't be wholesale changes.  

Hi Ofer, apologies for the delay. We're doing one final round of review and will be publishing it very soon. I will send you a link as soon as it's published. 

Thank you Jeff for the post. I’m Alex, Director of Operations at Charity Entrepreneurship. We have a COI policy in our staff handbook, but you're right to say that our COI policy isn't public at the moment, so thank you for the nudge. Recent events made us think that we could take this opportunity to review our policy and potentially strengthen it even more, particularly by comparing it to others’ policies in this post. We will take a look and can commit to publishing it on our website before the end of the month. 

One question others in the community might be wondering is the extent to which the inquiry will require connected organisations and/or projects to provide information to the Commission. Will the Commission ask anyone outside of EVF UK to provide information and/or documents (e.g. grantees)? Should people let you know if such a request has been made? Questions like that. I suspect you don't have answers to these yet, so I'm sure it's something that will be answered in due course. 

Wanted to also quickly recognise the mammoth effort that yourself and also EV Ops will likely need to put in in the coming months. I also haven't experienced such an inquiry, but I suspect it's a lot of work. All the best!

I commend you on your moral leadership and I join everyone else in the comments in expressing gratitude for the tremendous good you've done so far. However, I'm curious about your decision to resign. I get the moral justification, but surely there are many grantees with many questions who'd be able to get better answers were you still within Future Fund. Something as simple as access to documents or previous emails would enable you to better support grantees who are likely in significant distress. Why did you see it as imperative to resign effective immediately? Why not at the very least see out your notice period? 

At least one person has gotten word from them that these payouts are on hold for now. This seems very worrisome and suggests the legal structure of the fund is not as robust or isolated as you might have thought.

If it turns out that committed funds were not liquid, that the legal structure wasn't robust, and that grants promised won't be honoured, that won't just be 'really bad' - it will be egregious. 

Suvita is looking for a Head of Operations / Head of Administration and Finance

Suvita is a startup nonprofit working to increase uptake of routine childhood immunisations in India. We are impact-focused and currently deliver two evidence-based programmes to boost attendance at vaccination appointments.

We’re seeking an operations specialist who will lead on delivering and strengthening Suvita’s operations across administration, finance and programmes. You will cover domains such as HR (onboarding & offboarding, contracts, policies), compliance (for multiple entities across different countries), finance, bookkeeping, funder reporting, infrastructure and equipment, and programme operational improvement.

The role will be a mixture of:

  • establishing new systems that don’t exist yet (for example building our Section 8 entity towards achieving FCRA registration in India) as well as
  • maintaining core functions and making them more efficient (for example HR operations like team contract renewals, and programme operations like survey management).

Read more about the role here! Scroll to the bottom of that page for the application link :)

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