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Effective Alternatives to Street Protests in Russia

The War in Ukraine has led many people to protest in the streets. In the west, this slightly affects the world by showing support for the war. But within Russia and Belarus, protesters are often arrested, and it's not clear that they affect public opinion very much. 

This seems like a lost opportunity, because people living in Russia need to be involved in any successful liberalization of the country's government, which affects the rest of the world through the threat of nuclear war. 

It's clear that there's a large number of people who live under a repressive government, who want to change it, and who have gotten the message that marching in the streets with a sign is a good way to do that. They're willing to risk arrest and imprisonment to do it. 

Assuming that there are more impactful things that those people can do, it would be good if someone figured out what those were and wrote them down clearly, ideally in Russian. 

I don't know what the answer is, which is why this is filed under Shortform. I don't have the background to answer a social question like this well. 

EA ideas suggest that most people who go to street protests on the weekend could better serve their goals by pursuing an impactful career, and street dissidents in Russia are probably no exception. 

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