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4 Going1 Maybe0 Can't Go
Constance Li
Darcy Robertson

Where: London School of Economics, LAK 2.06; and Virtually

When: Monday, June 3rd from 11-6pm. This is after Effective Altruism Global: London, which many attendees are also attending.

What: This conference follows in the footsteps of the October 2023 Artificial Intelligence, Conscious Machines, and Animals: Broadening AI Ethics conference held at Princeton by Peter Singer, Tse Yip Fai, Leonie Bossert and Thilo Hagendorff. The goal is to explore how we can develop AI technologies in a way that protects and benefits nonhuman animals and potentially sentient AI.

Who: Anyone who can offer value to furthering this field. This includes, but is not limited to, thought leaders, researchers, industry workers, funders and hopeful future contributors.

Logistics: Physical capacity is 40 attendees. The conference will be streamed/recorded so that people can also attend online. All speakers should be there in person and we will aim to include 4-6 talks.

We are currently accepting expressions of interest to attend. 




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