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We should expect that the incentives and culture for AI-focused companies to make them uniquely terrible for producing safe AGI.    From a “safety from catastrophic risk” perspective, I suspect an “AI-focused company” (e.g. Anthropic, OpenAI, Mistral) is abstractly pretty close to the worst possible organizational structure for getting us towards AGI. I have two distinct but related reasons: 1. Incentives 2. Culture From an incentives perspective, consider realistic alternative organizational structures to “AI-focused company” that nonetheless has enough firepower to host successful multibillion-dollar scientific/engineering projects: 1. As part of an intergovernmental effort (e.g. CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, the ISS) 2. As part of a governmental effort of a single country (e.g. Apollo Program, Manhattan Project, China’s Tiangong) 3. As part of a larger company (e.g. Google DeepMind, Meta AI) In each of those cases, I claim that there are stronger (though still not ideal) organizational incentives to slow down, pause/stop, or roll back deployment if there is sufficient evidence or reason to believe that further development can result in major catastrophe. In contrast, an AI-focused company has every incentive to go ahead on AI when the case for pausing is uncertain, and minimal incentive to stop or even take things slowly.  From a culture perspective, I claim that without knowing any details of the specific companies, you should expect AI-focused companies to be more likely than plausible contenders to have the following cultural elements: 1. Ideological AGI Vision AI-focused companies may have a large contingent of “true believers” who are ideologically motivated to make AGI at all costs and 2. No Pre-existing Safety Culture AI-focused companies may have minimal or no strong “safety” culture where people deeply understand, have experience in, and are motivated by a desire to avoid catastrophic outcomes.  The first one should be self-explanatory. The second one is a bit more complicated, but basically I think it’s hard to have a safety-focused culture just by “wanting it” hard enough in the abstract, or by talking a big game. Instead, institutions (relatively) have more of a safe & robust culture if they have previously suffered the (large) costs of not focusing enough on safety. For example, engineers who aren’t software engineers understand fairly deep down that their mistakes can kill people, and that their predecessors’ fuck-up have indeed killed people (think bridges collapsing, airplanes falling, medicines not working, etc). Software engineers rarely have such experience. Similarly, governmental institutions have institutional memories with the problems of major historical fuckups, in a way that new startups very much don’t.
Congratulations to the EA Project For Awesome 2024 team, who managed to raise over $100k for AMF, GiveDirectly and ProVeg International by submitting promotional/informational videos to the project. There's been an effort to raise money for effective charities via Project For Awesome since 2017, and it seems like a really productive effort every time. Thanks to all involved! 
[PHOTO] I sent 19 emails to politicians, had 4 meetings, and now I get emails like this. There is SO MUCH low hanging fruit in just doing this for 30 minutes a day (I would do it but my LTFF funding does not cover this). Someone should do this!
This could be a long slog but I think it could be valuable to identify the top ~100 OS libraries and identify their level of resourcing to avoid future attacks like the XZ attack. In general, I think work on hardening systems is an underrated aspect of defending against future highly capable autonomous AI agents.
Introducing Ulysses*, a new app for grantseekers.    We (Austin Chen, Caleb Parikh, and I) built an app! You can test the app out if you’re writing a grant application! You can put in sections of your grant application** and the app will try to give constructive feedback about your applicants. Right now we're focused on the "Track Record" and "Project Goals" section of the application. (The main hope is to save back-and-forth-time between applicants and grantmakers by asking you questions that grantmakers might want to ask. Austin, Caleb, and I hacked together a quick app as a fun experiment in coworking and LLM apps. We wanted a short project that we could complete in ~a day. Working on it was really fun! We mostly did it for our own edification, but we’d love it if the product is actually useful for at least a few people in the community! As grantmakers in AI Safety, we’re often thinking about how LLMs will shape the future; the idea for this app came out of brainstorming, “How might we apply LLMs to our own work?”. We reflected on common pitfalls we see in grant applications, and I wrote a very rough checklist/rubric and graded some Manifund/synthetic applications against the rubric.  Caleb then generated a small number of few shot prompts by hand and then used LLMs to generate further prompts for different criteria (e.g., concreteness, honesty, and information on past projects) using a “meta-prompting” scheme. Austin set up a simple interface in Streamlit to let grantees paste in parts of their grant proposals. All of our code is open source on Github (but not open weight 😛).*** This is very much a prototype, and everything is very rough, but please let us know what you think! If there’s sufficient interest, we’d be excited about improving it (e.g., by adding other sections or putting more effort into prompt engineering). To be clear, the actual LLM feedback isn’t necessarily good or endorsed by us, especially at this very early stage. As usual, use your own best judgment before incorporating the feedback. *Credit to Saul for the name, who originally got the Ulysses S. Grant pun from Scott Alexander. ** Note: Our app will not be locally saving your data. We are using the OpenAI API for our LLM feedback. OpenAI says that it won’t use your data to train models, but you may still wish to be cautious with highly sensitive data anyway.  *** Linch led a discussion on the potential capabilities insights of our work, but we ultimately decided that it was asymmetrically good for safety; if you work on a capabilities team at a lab, we ask that you pay $20 to LTFF before you look at the repo.  

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Here’s the funding gap that gets me the most emotionally worked up:

In 2020, the largest philanthropic funder of nuclear security, the MacArthur Foundation, withdrew from the field, reducing total annual funding from $50m to $30m.

That means people who’ve spent decades building...

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That means people who’ve spent decades building experience in the field will no longer be able to find jobs.

Hot-take: I'd likely be less excited about people with decades in the field vs. new blood given that things seem stuck.

Around the end of Feb 2024 I attended the Summit on Existential Risk and EAG: Bay Area (GCRs), during which I did 25+ one-on-ones about the needs and gaps in the EA-adjacent catastrophic risk landscape, and how they’ve changed.

The meetings were mostly with senior managers...

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Intellectual diversity seems very important to figuring out the best grants in the long term. If atm the community, has, say $20bn to allocate, you only need a 10% improvement to future decisions to be worth +$2bn. Funder diversity also seems very important for community health, and therefore our ability to attract & retain talent. It's not attractive to have your org & career depend on such a small group of decision-makers. I might quantify the value of the talent pool around another $10bn, so again, you only need a ~10% increase here to be worth a billion, and over centralisation seems like one of the bigger problems. The current situation also creates a single point of failure for the whole community. Finally it still seems like OP has various kinds of institutional bottlenecks that mean they can't obviously fund everything that would be 'worth' funding in abstract (and even moreso to do all the active grantmaking that would be worth doing). They also have PR constraints that might make some grants difficult. And it seems unrealistic to expect any single team (however good they are) not to have some blindspots. $1bn is only 5% of the capital that OP has, so you'd only need to find a 1 grant for every 20 that OP makes that they've missed with only 2x the effectiveness of marginal OP grants in order to get 2x the value. One background piece of context is that I think grants often vary by more than 10x in cost-effectiveness.

I might quantify the value of the talent pool around another $10bn, so again, you only need a ~10% increase here to be worth a billion, and over centralisation seems like one of the bigger problems.

I find it plausible that a strong fix to the funder-diversity problem could increase the value of the talent pool by 10% or even more. However, having a new independent funder with $1B in assets (spending much less than that per year) feels more like an incremental improvement.

$1bn is only 5% of the capital that OP has, so you'd only need to find a 1 grant for e

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I expect (~ 75%) that the decision to "funnel" EAs into jobs at AI labs will become a contentious community issue in the next year. I think that over time more people will think it is a bad idea. This may have PR and funding consequences too.

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Seems reasonable :) 

[PHOTO] I sent 19 emails to politicians, had 4 meetings, and now I get emails like this. There is SO MUCH low hanging fruit in just doing this for 30 minutes a day (I would do it but my LTFF funding does not cover this). Someone should do this!

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fixed. thanks mate :)

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This is the first in a sequence of four posts taken from my recent report: Why Did Environmentalism Become Partisan?



In the United States, environmentalism is extremely partisan.

It might feel like this was inevitable. Caring about the environment, and supporting...

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Executive summary: Environmentalism in the United States is unusually partisan compared to other issues, other countries, and its own history, suggesting that this partisanship is not inevitable but rather the result of contingent choices by individual decision makers. Key points: 1. Environmentalism is one of the most partisan issues in the US, with larger partisan gaps than most other political issues. 2. The US has a much larger partisan gap on environmentalism than any other surveyed country, even those with similar levels of overall partisanship. 3. Environmentalism was a bipartisan issue in the US as recently as the 1980s, with the partisan gap emerging in the 1990s and 2000s. 4. The partisanship of environmentalism in the US cannot be fully explained by broad structural or ideological factors consistent across countries and time periods. 5. The unusual partisanship of US environmentalism is likely due to contingent choices by individual decision makers rather than inevitable trends.     This comment was auto-generated by the EA Forum Team. Feel free to point out issues with this summary by replying to the comment, and contact us if you have feedback.
Thanks for this, fascinating stuff! I am wondering from many of the data that you present and also anecdotally: Isn't it more that "climate change" is so strongly partisan, not environmental issues more broadly? And because climate change has become the dominant political environmentalist issue, "climate" and "environmentalism" become somewhat synonymous despite the underlying politics of other environmental issues being somewhat different?

Climate change is more partisan than other environmental issues, but other environmental issues have also become partisan since 1990.[1] The shift in focus from local environmental issues to climate change is part of what made it easier for environmentalism to become partisan, but it is not the only factor.

Environmental concern by partisan identification, averaged over a four point scale. “I’m going to read you a list of environmental problems. As I read each one, please tell me if you personally worry about this problem a great deal, a fair amount, o... (read more)

This is the second in a sequence of four posts taken from my recent report: Why Did Environmentalism Become Partisan?

Many of the specific claims made here are investigated in the full report. If you want to know more about how fossil fuel companies’ campaign contributions, the partisan lean of academia, or newspapers’ reporting on climate change have changed since 1980, the information is there.


Environmentalism in the United States today is unusually partisan, compared to other issues, countries, or even the United States in the 1980s. This contingency suggests that the explanation centers on the choices of individual decision makers, not on broad structural or ideological factors that would be consistent across many countries and times.

This post describes the history of how particular partisan alliances were made involving the environmental movement between 1980 and 2008. Since...

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This could be a long slog but I think it could be valuable to identify the top ~100 OS libraries and identify their level of resourcing to avoid future attacks like the XZ attack. In general, I think work on hardening systems is an underrated aspect of defending against...

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I'd be interested in exploring funding this and the broader question of ensuring funding stability and security robustness for critical OS infrastructure. @Peter Wildeford is this something you guys are considering looking at?

Just as the 2022 crypto crash had many downstream effects for effective altruism, so could a future crash in AI stocks have several negative (though hopefully less severe) effects on AI safety.

Why might AI stocks crash?

The most obvious reason AI stocks might crash is that...

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One quick point is divesting, while it would help a bit, wouldn't obviously solve the problems I raise – AI safety advocates could still look like alarmists if there's a crash, and other investments (especially including crypto) will likely fall at the same time, so the effect on the funding landscape could be similar.

With divestment more broadly, it seems like a difficult question.

I share the concerns about it being biasing and bad for PR, and feel pretty worried about this.

On the other side, if something like TAI starts to happen, then the index will go ... (read more)

Animal Ethics has recently launched Senti, an Ethical AI assistant designed to answer questions related to animal ethics, wild animal suffering, and longtermism. We at Animal Ethics believe that while AI technologies could potentially pose significant risks to animals, ...

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Yes, and we are also planning to switch to Claude Haiku (a faster model for generating responses).

Caspar Oesterheld came up with two of the most important concepts in my field of work: Evidential Cooperation in Large Worlds and Safe Pareto Improvements. He also came up with a potential implementation of evidential decision theory in boundedly rational agents called decision auctions, wrote a comprehensive review of anthropics and how it interacts with decision theory which most of my anthropics discussions built on, and independently decided to work on AI some time late 2009 or early 2010.


Needless to say, I have a lot of respect for Caspar’s work. I’ve often felt very confused about what to do in my attempts at conceptual research, so I decided to ask Caspar how he did his research. Below is my writeup from the resulting conversation.

How Caspar came up with surrogate goals

The process

  • Caspar had spent six months FTE thinking about a specific bargaining problem
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