
Head of marketing @ 80,000 Hours
1867 karmaJoined Feb 2020Working (0-5 years)Bethnal Green, London, UK


Hello, my name's Bella Forristal. I work at 80,000 Hours, as the head of marketing. 

I'm interested in animal advocacy, moral circle expansion, and normative ethics. 

Previously, I worked in community building with the Global Challenges Project and EA Oxford, and have interned at Charity Entrepreneurship. 

Please feel free to email me to connect at, or leave anonymous feedback at :)


Answer by BellaMay 02, 20242

I made a lot of my early friends in EA through my local group. I'm guessing you don't have one since you said you're not in an EA hub (?) but there's always EA Anywhere.

You could also organise an online discussion group yourself — a couple of my closest friends today were people I met because I started an online discussion group on animal welfare during the pandemic. We would discuss an article or paper on animal advocacy for like an hour in the evening, and then some people would stay and chat all evening. It was really nice :)

Actually, I meant that as a matter of practical ethics, we may be better off in our attempts to do good if we use what you call 'mental hacks.'

For example, utilitarians have near-universally acknowledged that if we think in terms of heuristics and rules of thumb, we'll more reliably maximise utility than by trying to use the decision criterion, 'do what maximises utility.' See e.g. this page or any of the literature on two-level utilitarianism.

I didn't read your post in detail, but I think these kinds of discussions often miss considerations around fine-grained vs coarse decision criteria.

  • It's really hard to try to minimise animal deaths in whatever you do
  • It's also really hard to stick by 'I try to drive as little as possible, especially when it's raining, except in emergencies where considering whether to drive would cost precious time and worsen the outcome, or when, by refusing to drive, I would cause reputational harm to utilitarians by seeming too weird, or...'
  • It's (comparatively) really easy to stick by the rule 'I don't eat animal products.'

Sure, there are edge cases/confusing things e.g. cross-contamination, but there's a whole community of vegans who have thought about those cases, and have generally converged on some sensible-ish ways to handle them.

I think, in our moral decision-making, we should usually strive to find not-always-optimal-but-decent, relatively-easy-to-follow criteria, like:

  • Be kind
  • Be honest
  • Don't eat animal products
  • Donate ~10%

I think the term I've heard (from non-EAs) is 'freegan' (they'll eat it if it didn't cause more animal products to be purchased!)

Not opining on the overall question, but FWIW I'm not sure on-farm slaughter is better. Reason being — I think that large slaughterhouses have "smoother" processes and (per animal killed) are less likely to end up with e.g. no stunning, stunning but resuscitation before being killed, etc.

But this does have to be weighed against the stress of transport, and I bet in a lot of cases it'd have been better to have on-farm slaughter given the length & conditions of transport.

Hey Sam — thanks for this really helpful comment. I think I will do this & do so at any future places I live with wool carpets.

Answer by BellaApr 11, 20242

I hadn't heard of before.

I quickly skimmed three of their highest-scoring egg producers. The main things that worried me:

  • "Spent hens sold live." What does that mean? I worry about transport conditions, and about hens being sold to inexperienced, "backyard", or small-scale operations that won't ensure a quick death or stunning before slaughter.
  • No mention of providing veterinary care, or euthanasia for very sick hens
  • Large flock sizes (hundreds)

[Disclaimer: I'm not an animal welfare or hen care expert!!]

This summary was helpful — I've tried a couple times to engage with the original paper but found it hard, whereas this was very readable & I now think I understand the main points at a basic level :)

(& let's not forget the fetal calves who are still gestating when their mothers go to slaughter. They're killed slowly, if they ever get purposefully slaughtered at all rather than just left to asphyxiate. Obviously, it's unclear whether they're conscious, but I've read accounts of them moving, opening eyes, trying to breathe, etc.).

Just adding: the discussion of dairy cows, here and elsewhere, tends to focus on the experience of the adult cattle & the suffering for them of being milked, deprived of their babies, etc.

But it's not implausible to me that the majority of the disvalue from dairy is in the lives of the calves born to dairy cows. In typical milk-producing operations, adult cows have 1 calf every 18 months or so; 50% of them are male, and so are killed within a few hours to a few months after birth.

(& these lives more likely to be net negative because they have less time to experience positive things to outweigh the terror and pain of death. Undoubtedly, some of their deaths will be quite quick, but others are slow and brutal.)

(Also, veal calves are treated very badly - intense confinement to reduce movement to keep the meat tender, dietary restriction to keep the meat pale, individual confinement in a tiny 'hutch', etc.)

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